Forensic Education for Child-and-Adolescent Psychiatry Residents
This article first appeared in Academic Psychiatry. Wills, CD. Forensic Education for Child-and-Adolescent Psychiatry Residents. Academic Psychiatry 2011, 35:256-9.
Forensic education for child-and-adolescent psychiatry (CAP) residents is an essential experience that may
affect trainees long after they have completed their training. Since relevant educational resources may not be immediately available in some residency programs, this article may serve as a resource to CAP training directors who wish to enhance their forensic curriculum and increase the forensic competence of their residents. Child-and-adolescent forensic psychiatry is the study of how CAP interfaces with the legal system. Major areas of child-and-adolescent forensic psychiatry include policy development (hospitalization, seclusion, restraint, consent, privilege, confidentiality, malpractice), dependency issues
(child abuse, neglect, custody, adoption), and juvenile justice mental health.